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Spring Assembly of the German Bishops' Conference 2003: Statement on the Iraq Conflict

People worldwide and also in Germany are discussing with increasing intensity a possible military action against Iraq. In this situation, we should avoid to give a distorted picture: The fact that Saddam Hussein's regime disregards the human rights must not be ignored and must be clearly voiced. Likewise we must continue to assert the right of the international community to counteract Iraq's control and disposition of weapons of mass destruction.
In this hour, we point out emphatically that "any form of military action must fall within existing laws on safeguarding peace and the procedures set out in them" (A Just Peace, no. 154). It is the Security Council of the United Nations which has the competence to establish that world peace is threatened and to decide on measures to avert this danger. Using military force without the mandate of the Security Council or even against the intentions of this UN body would represent a break with international law.
The decisions of the World Security Council must correspond with the objectives of the United Nations, i.e. preserving peace and avoiding the use of force wherever possible. For this reason, only an extraordinarily serious and imminent threat, which cannot be averted by other means, would justify to consider the use of force. Are we currently facing such a situation? In accord with the Holy See, which, based on the current level of knowledge gained from the inspections, cannot identify any justification for the resort to force, we bishops have serious doubts that military action against Iraq would correspond with the criteria defended by the Catholic Church in accordance with international law. A war which would be merely justified by a situation of threat, which is in fact real but not specific, would violate ethical standards.
Again, we wish to express our concern with regard to the predictable consequences of a war, i.e. the devastation of the country, the immense misery of refugees and finally the death of innocent people. An armed conflict would provoke the spread of terrorism and would intensify the existing alienation between the West and the Muslim world. A war would involve the great risk of worsening the destabilisation process in the entire region.
In the present situation, we are greatly attached to our Christian sisters and brothers in the Middle East. They are in great distress and they have a heavy burden to bear because of their faith. In the case of war, there is a danger that they fall victims of militant fanatics who take advantage of religious differences for the sake of their own interests.
In the recent weeks, the discussion was increasingly focused on the political opportunities which a fall of the regime in Baghdad, as a result of military action, would bring about for the entire Middle East. We approve of the intentions of the international community to put an end to dictatorships. We approve of determined efforts towards a more effective realisation of human rights. But we disapprove of policies which aim at achieving these objectives by means of war.
In the current situation, we are in full accord with Pope John Paul II. In these days of deep concern, he gives testimony to peace providing hope and orientation far beyond the Catholic Church. Together with him, we emphatically call upon all those responsible to do everything within their power to avert war. On 19 February, the Holy See expressed its conviction before the World Security Council that "even though the process of inspections appears somewhat slow, it still remains an effective path that could lead to the building of a consensus" and "to an agreed and honourable resolution to the problem". This path must be persistently followed.
Over the past weeks, innumerable faithful people have gathered to pray for peace. We call upon everyone to carry on praying.
Freising, 13 March 2003