| Pressemeldung

For consistent embryo protection in Europe

Appeal by the Presidents of the German Bishops' Conference and of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany

A decision is to be taken on 26 November 2003 on the EU Council of Ministers as to whether and under what conditions "consumptive" embryo research is to be promoted with EU funds. We appeal to the Federal Government to take the law applying in Germany as a strict orientation in voting on the EU Council of Ministers, and to adhere to the standards contained in the Embryo Protection Act (Embryonenschutzgesetz).

The decision of the European Parliament of 19 November gives rise to very grave concern with regard to the protection of human embryos in Europe. Where the interest in research in human embryonic stem cells is so strong that the killing of human embryos is accepted in order to obtain such stem cells, human life is used as a tool. This cannot be justified in ethic terms. A human embryo's dignity and right to life, which are intrinsic from the outset even if it was created outside the mother's body, are hence subordinated to certain research interests, and are regarded as if they were of a lower value. Promotion of such research could also create a future incentive to provide more embryos in artificial insemination than appears to be necessary for reproductive reasons.

Promoting such consumptive embryo research with Community funds from all EU States means placing in perspective the legal orders of countries in which such research is prohibited, including their ethical foundations, and unilaterally creating economic advantages for other countries.

The Evangelical and the Catholic Churches have always favoured guaranteeing the unrestricted protection of human embryos. We therefore urgently call upon the Federal Government to counter the tendencies towards adjusting the principles of embryo protection applying in Germany in line with the situation prevalent in other EU Member States, to vote on the EU Council of Ministers in favour of restrictive provisions, and hence to lobby for consistent embryo protection.

The President
of the German Bishops' Conference
Kardinal Karl Lehmann

The President
of the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany
Bischof Wolfgang Huber